
Machine update for April 26

by Reiss Gunson on Wednesday, 26 April 2017 22:09

so i have just spoken with the factory and the machines for me to book out on DHL Express today are;


2 x euro plug, standard wand

1 x euro plug, left side wand

1 x uk plug, standard wand

this obviously leaves a pile of USA machines which i would hope to see tomorrow

i also hope to push an L2 out the door today, and an L3


Compak grinders - limited transparency

by Reiss Gunson on Wednesday, 26 April 2017 01:08

currently we have pretty much exhausted our stocks of Compak grinders, with a reluctance to roll the dice and order the usual amount of replenishment stock as we know Compak are on the verge of releasing some new grinders offering higher yield burrs and weigh & grind functionality built in, as many of you will have seen on Compak's social media channels

so whilst Compak have no issue with taking the grinders around the coffee exhibition circuit they are playing their cards very close to their chest with their resellers

the ongoing delays to launching their new products has meant that we are probably going to be forced to order some stop-gap stock to see us through

if you are Compak you will say, ah, relax it is no issue, the Compak E8 and E10 will continue to be offered in exactly the same configuration as they are today, which i am willing to accept

the trouble is i think the LONDINIUM customer base will probably want the premium offerings as soon as they become availble and i may struggle to shift the 'standard' stock

im not sure, perhaps i am wringing my hands unnecessarily, but tomorrow i will have to make a decision about how deep we go in with ou reordering - we still do not even have a committment from Compak as to what month their new premium grinders will be available

it is likely that i will order a Compak E5 and perhaps an E6 too and test it with our distribution tool as we will need a grinder more at this price point when the our LC is released to market next year - people in the market for that grinder are not going to be willing to stump up for an E8 redspeed in my view, so it is important that we research an appropriate pairing in advance and the difference that the LONDINIUM distribution tool makes is so significant that i think the E5 might just yield an acceptable result

it is looking like the LONDINIUM distribtuion tool will be available for us to sell in less than one month from now, assuming all goes to plan

we also have an all new range of super premium green coffee arriving next week, and one of tomorrow's jobs is to sort out the shipping arrangements well in advance of it landing





LONDINIUM R, 26 April update

by Reiss Gunson on Wednesday, 26 April 2017 01:04

so, i have booked out LRs to Germany, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Hong Kong this evening

tomorrow i expect another 4 LR, and also to roll an L2 and an L3 out the door

i appreciate your pateience, i know the novelty wore off some time ago

by june i think we should have a third production line and not too long after that a permanent two shift set up i hope

kind regards



LONDINIUM R, 25 April update

by Reiss Gunson on Tuesday, 25 April 2017 12:42

Hi Reiss

As of this evening we have allocated and boxed two machines for tomorrow excluding their accessories which will be done tomorrow. One for Hong Kong and the other for Saudi. There are two more EU machines 90% panelled but not packed so I should have more details about them in the morning.




So it looks as though we will have at least 4 machines to despatch today, Tuesday 25 April

I sincerely apologise for this painfully slow despatch and look forward to rectifying it with the arrival of a third production line

A returning customer writes -

by Reiss Gunson on Saturday, 22 April 2017 20:00

Dear Reiss
Thanks for doing this
Being an avid follower of your blog I knew it would take some time for the machine to ship.

By the way, I just sold my previous L1 to a guy in Toulouse through the buy/sell/swap on your forum. Very useful

I have to tell you there is something special about your shop. I do most of my shopping on the internet and you have a way of bringing this very personalized feeling of a local street shop, in a very good way. This is what made me buy my first L1 3 years ago. Now moving back to Canada, I decided not to bring it with me and I was looking for a new one. I checked out a few of the new machines out ( even the Linea Mini) and quickly came back to the Londinium for outstanding coffee with minimum fuss from a relatively simple well designed machine that I could, with support, service myself. And that priceless confidence in the customer support.

So waiting a few weeks is totally worth it ?


LONDINIUM R, today's update

by Reiss Gunson on Friday, 21 April 2017 23:02

A few hours ago i wrote this email to the manufacturer of our machines, as i fairly frustrated just now to be honest as some of you have been waiting since the beginning of march for your machines and its not good enough


hi adrian

my understanding is the current batch of LR have passed through testing and are awaiting packing

can you please ensure that we at least get some machines out the door today?

i do appreciate that easter has added to the delays, but some of these orders are getting a bit long in the tooth

it would be nice to finish the week on a high

Kind regards


i have just received a response, which reads:


Sorry Reiss I am not in at the moment I am in the process of moving house things are up in the air. Just liaise with Hayley.
We have got a big sickness issue at the moment 2 long termers and others plus holidays are killing us. We are recruiting more staff as we are putting another build line in end of next month along with 2 new Linpac storage lifts.
We just can’t produce machines fast enough anymore.
Just bear with us and we will get there.



So, you now have all the information i have.  I have been assured that the batch is built and tested, they simply do not have enough staff to pack all the machines that need to be packed today.  I am confident that we will get all of the remainder of this batch out the door next week and i apologise for this further delay.

Customers that have ordered grinders with machines i have sent out the door on DHL today at my cost as a token of good faith to show that we havent forgotten about you

We have stock on hand to fill the L2 orders received this week so i would expect them to leave on Tuesday

The L3 orders received this week have been built and are going onto test later today and i would expect to despatch these perhaps Wedsnesday next week, although i will need to confirm that on monday when the production manager is back

If you have any concerns in the interim please do not hesitate to contact me over the weekend, i am almost always available

I am looking forward to providing you with only positive news next week

I have booked out one LONDINIUM R today, which is destined for Prague

all parts orders are being despatchd promptly, as usual, and are unaffected by the issues detailed above






by Reiss Gunson on Thursday, 20 April 2017 23:46

i am told that the machines have passed off the test bench, but they are now need to be packed

the reason no more LR have been packed in the last 2 hours is the packers have been assigned other more urgent machines to pack

i appreciate that if you are sitting there waiting for news of your LR being despatched that this news does not read well

i am told that there will be some LR ready for me to book out tomorrow

before this time tomorrow i will post another update here so you have full visibility of the machines as we book them out

kind regards



LONDINIUM R to despatch today

by Reiss Gunson on Wednesday, 19 April 2017 22:03

Spaulding, Seiro, and Tai will be ready to go today

LONDINIUM R update: 2 machines being booked out now, more tomorrow

by Reiss Gunson on Tuesday, 18 April 2017 23:29

i am about to book two LONDINIUM R out right now and there will be several more tomorrow.

The bottom of the basket: LONDINIUM distribution tool used

by Reiss Gunson on Sunday, 16 April 2017 21:37
