
LONDINIUM R: adjusting the pre-infusion pressure

by Reiss Gunson on Monday, 13 February 2017 22:20

i have taken a video clip tody showing you how to adjust the pre-infusion pressure on the LONDINIUM R

you will need to be logged in and a londinium machine owner to view this video as i have placed it within the permanent file;

always unplug the machine from the power supply before removing any panels on the machine

LONDINIUM R - batch two

by Reiss Gunson on Friday, 10 February 2017 09:57

a short note to advise that all the machines from batch one have been despatched, so if you have not received notice of despatch from DHL & our systems i am afraid that your machine was not produced in batch one

it is also true that orders were not fulfilled in the chronological sequence in which they were placed with us, which means some people who were very much batch two orders in terms of the date on which they placed their order had their order filled out of batch one and are now enjoying their machines.  if you are such a person i would greatly appreciate it if you can post even briefly on our forum a sentence or two saying i received the machine in good order and i am now enjoying it, that's all it needs to be; i fully understand that many owners do not wish to publish the interiors of the homes for a variety of reasons

the best information i currently have is that the second batch will start being built on the week commmencing 20 February, with a batch taking about 5 working days to have ready for despatch.  i hope to firm this date up later today (friday) when the manufacturer opens for business (a time zone thing)

i also need to publish a number of short video clips on how to adjust things, like getting the dust cap off the Ceme pressure switch as it is easy when someone shows you how, like most things in life

check that your machine arrives with the max boiler pressure set to 1.0 bar and you will likely want to increase the PI by 7/8" of a turn counter-clockwise.  remember to remove the red shipping tag from the anti-vac valve too

lots and lots of parts orders to get out the door today and i am about to order some great green coffee too

more later today



LONDINIUM R - customer feedback

by Reiss Gunson on Friday, 10 February 2017 00:52

Hi Reiss

Just wanted to say how much I am enjoying the machine! Never thought I'd be able to make a coffee as nice as this and I'm so glad I decided to take the plunge! Even my wife (who is notoriously difficult to please in terms of coffee) said that the last one I made for her reminded her of a coffee we enjoyed in a small café in Tuscany last year pulled by a chap who had been a barista for 65 years! - high praise indeed.
She's even asked me to show her how to operate it so she can make one for herself if I am out and this is something she has never asked with any of the other machines that I have had.

Just one quick query (which is probably something that I should know, but am not certain) - The water filter that came supplied with the machine - do I still need to use/replace these if I only ever run the machine on Volvic water as you advise?

I've only just got it up and running a few days ago as I was building a new 'coffee corner' for it to go on but I'll sort some photos out for the forum once everything else is sorted out as well.



by Reiss Gunson on Wednesday, 08 February 2017 02:59

only one machine was ready for me to book out today; Campos

i was sitting here thinking that was fairly miserable, which it is, but did notice that now the oldest open LONDINIUM R order was placed on 18 January and its only 7 February so its not too bad for a first run

i look forward to getting a few more out tomorrow

anyone with parts orders - i will book all these out in a few hours time when i wake up


I have just booked out another 3 LONDINIUM R

by Reiss Gunson on Tuesday, 07 February 2017 04:31

another 03:30 wakeup in the name of customer service

i apologise to you customer Campos as you are now the oldest outstanding order - i have been told your machine will be ready tomorrow

i apologise for this drip fed approach.  more tomorrow




Visual parts list - LONDINIUM R

by Reiss Gunson on Monday, 06 February 2017 19:23

this is a work in progress, but today we added an interactive PDF to the parts section of our webtore, here;

eventually we will have one of these PDFs for each of our machines, but the LONDINIUM R is the first

i also have some hours of work to reformat the parts section so that each number you click on within the parts PDF directs you to the correct part in our webstore

anyway, some of you may enjoy having a browse in the meantime

kind regards



5 LONDINIUM R to book out

by Reiss Gunson on Saturday, 04 February 2017 03:53

its 03:30 here in Auckland and ive got out of bed to book out these five machines

the issue is there are no 120V machines in this five which i expected there would be as there were a number of 120V orders that are now our oldest open orders, so it prompted me to raise the question; are you out of a 120V component

it has just been confirmed to me that 120V pumps were not delivered when they were meant to have been and they are bulding the 120V machines now

i do apologise for this poor communication because it is making me look like an ass

i have been assured just now via Skype chat that they will be ready for me to despatch on Monday

i sincerely apologise for this and i am not at all happy about it

as a result of this distortion i am about to book out some 240V machines that on the basis of when they were placed i expected to be fulfilled in the second batch

When is the second LONDINIUM R batch being built

by Reiss Gunson on Friday, 03 February 2017 09:29

this is the question is asked yesterday, thursday, and i awoke to the following reply this morning;


Hi Reiss,
The next build of LR is due to go into production week comm. 20/02/17
We may be able to improve on this which I should be able to clarify towards the end of next week.

Kind Regards


this may not be the answer you want to hear, but i try to pass on any information i am able to glean at the earliest opportunity so you have a clear understanding of where we are at.

(the first batch sold out some time ago; an order placed today will be fulfilled in the second batch)


by Reiss Gunson on Thursday, 02 February 2017 22:53

i have booked out 3 more machines to leave today

when i wake tomorrow i will have an email advising which machine i need to book out for tomorrow

i am aware that a number of you are asking when the second batch will be made - i have rasied this question on your behalf and will let you know as soon as i receive an answer

kind regards



happy days

by Reiss Gunson on Wednesday, 01 February 2017 09:06

right, im please to wake up to an email that tells me i have five LONDINIUM R to book out

i would expect more than this to be ready in 24 hours from now

i will be booking them out after noon when the UK rolls into wednesday as booking when the time zones bridge days sometimes ends badly on DHL's web booking system and i cant risk any further delays: these will leave wednesday and even more on thursday

its now time for me to start planning the second batch as order are piling up there

i apologise for these delays; we will get to a point where machines are in stock as quickly as possible


