Do something healthy today... start drinking black coffee

by Reiss Gunson on Sunday, 06 September 2009 02:54

We’ll argue long into the night that the biggest health risk presented by high grade coffee is the additives which turn it into a calorie bomb, not the coffee

The number one killer in the western world is heart disease, most of which stems from eating too much and engaging in too little exercise

Its the milk, cream, sugar, & flavorings that are the real threat to your well being, not the coffee

Try a black coffee today

That doesn’t have to mean espresso, you have a vast array of filter methods available, moka pots/stovetops, and vacuum methods. You might find it takes a little to get used to the taste of coffee, as opposed to all the sugar you have become accustomed to, but after a couple of weeks you will be reformed. You will also quickly discover why coffee is no longer seen as a commodity, and how a good coffee stands out like a beacon when drunk black alongside a poor, invariably stale, coffee.

As a positive side effect you will drop your calorie intact dramatically if you have been in the habit of drinking frappaccinos or the like, and you’ll become as regular as clockwork, which is equally important as our modern diets have insufficient roughage and are resulting in record levels of bowel disease.

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