Customer feedback from Austria

by Reiss Gunson on Wednesday, 28 August 2013 10:53

Dear Reiss,

When I chose to trust in your design I was not aware what surprise I was in for. Here is my personal impression, maybe this gives you aninsight, on L1 newbies perspective

It took me quite long to unpack and set up, I was very careful. I unscrewed most screws just bit and it was very easy that way to get the protective plastic out of the way

Following the instructions it was very easy to insert the spring lever part. Just as you described in the manualall the screws can be fit just with your fingers, if you take yourtime adjust and do not force matters

I did not insert the water filter since I got Volvic, I adjusted the water tank which was clamped under the metal on the back, probably for transport reasons ? and turnedthe machine on. Within minutes the machine stalled, as described in the manual, I turned it off and back on. Then it kept stalling, I took me bit to find out why, one bottleof Volvic was not enough. The water tank was empty :)

The machine took exactly 6 minutes for the first flush. I only flushed arond 300ml. Then I waited 2 minutes and I wasready to go. I can consistently say it only takes 8 minutes ( in my case ) to get great tasting espresso

The pump comes on quite often but I do not mind the pump noise at all.

Since my old machine steam wand was good for nothing and I am unskilled the milk frothing was pain, I wasted 1.5 litres till this helped me tremendously: If anyone ever asks on how to do it maybe you can use this as helpful link:

The power of the steam wand is amazing it takes now no longer than 4,5 seconds and I am set to go. The Portafilter had me bit going for while since it doestake some force to insert. The machine was on all day and barely reheated inbetween. Maybe because half the time I drink latte machiato the frothing counts as a flush? Because... I can dish out espresso after espresso after espresso and they all taste the same....just awesome. It does not matter if I take breaks in betweenthe machine is always ready to go, just as you said

For my taste tampering allwoing 5-6 seconds preinfusion makes it perfect. And on sidenote i tried around 6 seconds 3x right after each problem. All the shots tasted wonderful and the same. Due to the generous proportions cleaning is so much easier, the portafilter is way bigger than on my old pavione like machine, no ground coffee all over the placeanymore, the milk frothing part..easy to clean. I got myself metal box with rubber rod to collect the tampered coffee after usage, then I just rinse the portafilter,dry it with towel and I am all set again

I then use moist kitchen towel, soft sponge then get any per chance coffee particles off the seal of the group itself. If I do not planon making another shot quickly any residue can be easily brushed off with later due to the heat drying them out

I do not want to ruin the seals by putting too much coffee in. However getting the right consistency is game of ammount and pressurewhile tampering. If i only got 1,2 sec preinfusion, I have too little coffee or too little tampering, hence the coffee runs through compared to
6 sec and does not taste well. ( 6 sec.. really for me seem ideal... the coffee does not splatter, count to around 6 sec. and the first drops appear..then it tastes greatlonger is too bitter I wonder why anyone would tamper it so hard, it tastes awfull and takes ages till the lever is back up again)

When you search for the Londinium on the net, you get lot of hits from coffee forums, I am glad I did not let the posts make me nervous and concerned,but instead trusted you. The Londinium I not only makes the coffee experience visual one, but also treat for your tastebuds. The spring is indeed very powerful,as is the steaming capability. The machine is impressive in size and weight, I can attest it wont flex bend or butch...not even for millimeter WOW ! This must be thesuperlative in sturdiness as advertised. I have tried others personally in the shop and nothing comes close to this, also let me stress how elegant despite the size

The L1 looks sitting on the kitchencounter, more even so with the wood handles the L1 is not only coffee machine but also beautiful interior asset

As for the temperature stability:I do not need some charts for that, but just the taste of one shot equally as good as the next one provided you are aware of your owninfluence on the taste of the coffee, and that is how you yourself tamper it. It does not seem to matter if I pull shot after shot or wait bit or long in between. I only do thestartup flush. This is by far the best coffeeI ever tasted....and I made it myself...with the L1

Thank you so very much!

I had quite bit of too much coffee the last hours.....

Georg Egger BSc.
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