Butcher's block conditioner for wenge handles: Zlice by BillDanDesign.co.nz

by Reiss Gunson on Monday, 27 March 2017 15:06

i was getting low on butcher's block conditioner and so i started searching online for what was available in New Zealand

i found this.  i was concerend that the coconut oil would be too aromatic but i neednt have worried; it is perfect

it was good to be able to purchase just 120g as that will still last years and years as you only use a tiny amount

the instructions to break off bits and heat in the microwave are written for the cooler climes of New Zealand's south island i think - up here the warmth of your finger tip is enough to melt the surface slightly, and this tiny amount of liquid on your finger is all you need

i like that it dries faster and gives the wood a high gloss

the point of the post is simply to say that rather than choosing a butcher's block oil, which is just mineral oil and will soak in and disappear fairly quickly, look for a butcher's block conditioner which will have beeswax in the mix and this is what makes the difference in terms of creating a durable finish on the wood

it might be beeswax with mineral oil, or beeswax with coconut oil, or some other kind of oil - i dont think it matters too much as long as it is sold as being intended for use on butcher's blocks


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