LONDINIUM R update on open orders

by Reiss Gunson on Thursday, 30 March 2017 00:24

i dont have any particularly good news to write here, but i am conscious that some of you have been waiting more than a month now and the novelty probably wore off some time ago

so we now have one LR left and that is only becuase whilst the machine is finished and ready to hand to DHL the top panel that is included within the enhanced plumbing kit we have stocked out of and need to cut some more

i am unable to get a definitive answer on when that will be, but i am guessing it might take a week to get a producton slot, given how busy the manufacturer is

given this situation i have written to the customer just now and offered to despatch his machine to the USA today and to send the enhanced plumbing kit also on DHL Express at some future date when the top panel without the tank lid cut out has been fabricated.  as soon as i receive a reply to that email i will act on it

other than this machine we do not have any paritally built machines lying around anymore

the most recent information i have on the production schedule is the next LR build is scheduled to commence next friday the 7th of April

there is a possibility that the build will commence a few days early, but the date in the production schedule is & April which i know isnt great as i had been told it would commence this Friday

i can assure you that no one at the manufacturer is idling their days away - they are extremely busy and as a result are in the process of transitioning to two permanent 8 hour shifts, which is something new for the company so it is not something that can be deployed overnight

if anyone would like to talk to me you can call me on Facetime (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), or Skype (rgunson) for free; if you can make an effort to check the world clock app on your phone to get the time in Wellington, New Zealand that would be much appreciated.  The time will probably be listed on your app for Wellington rather than Auckland as Wellington is the capital, but New Zealand is a skinny country so the whole country is in the same time zone anyway

i appreciate that this isnt great news but everyone involved in the production team is doing their best for you

once machines are available to despatch DHL does move them quickly - typically 2 days to any of the major centres in SE Asia for example

next time i write it will be to say that production has commenced, hopefully with a proof of life photo of machines rolling down the line

kind regards



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