100% robusta single origin espesso roast

by Reiss Gunson on Friday, 27 November 2009 14:27

Yes, you read that correctly. We’ve been looking around for a great robusta to offer you as a singel origin espresso for a long time. So great that you can enjoy it as a single origin espresso with a grin from ear to ear & serve it to your friends to prove a point when they laugh with derision at the suggestion of 100% robusta being fit to drink.

The standard roast sample we received from the broker was as black as soot, in line with conventional wisdom on how to treat your favourite robusta. We gave our green bean sample an easier ride and roasted it a lot lighter, probably swinging the pendulum a little too far the other way, but we had to start somewhere and succeeded in bringing out the hazelnut tones we were looking for.

The big lesson we’ve learned is to give it more time than the arabica coffees to round out and fully develop after roasting; it is coarse and wooden immediately after roasting.

We’ve ordered some and as soon as it arrives we’ll work on optimising the roast for you as we’ve a few ideas we want to experiment with prior to offering for sale.

Our 100% robusta single origin is ideal for a kick start to get into your work on these cold dark mornings that have enveloped us in the northern hemisphere.

And yes, if you are a closet milkie, it makes a very pleasant cappuccino too.

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