New in: Columbian, Santuario Estate, bourbon variety

by Reiss Gunson on Thursday, 11 February 2010 10:13

A rash of new coffees over the last couple of weeks, some taking a long time to get ‘right’

As a result some of the new coffee hasn’t seen the light of day yet

This bourbon variety from the Santuario Estate in Columbia one such coffee

When we were given a sample to drink by the broker we weren’t at all sure this coffee was going to work as an espresso. Many of the so-called ‘high quality’ coffees that are being heavily marketed present their acidity too brightly in the cup when prepared as an espresso

This problem was present with this coffee when young, but we have opened a 250g bag this morning that was roasted on 4 Jan, so around 5 weeks since roasting. During that resting period the coffee has rounded out superbly. In our view this really is a coffee that needs weeks, not days, to rest before opening. Contrast that with the Columbian supremo which can be used almost immediately as it does not have such high levels of acidity, and is much more mellow with caramel tones from pretty much the day after roasting, which admittedly is unusual.

Anyway, this bourbon offering from the Santuario Estate now presents it’s acidity in a wonderfully elegant & balanced way, giving the coffee a unique personality without being over-bearing or grating on the palate.

I would expect that will translate into a wonderful cappuccino, but I’ve not got that far yet

More soon.

« First test roast of the Panaminian coffee Kopi Luwak vacuumed »