How good is an Olympia Cremina?

by Reiss Gunson on Monday, 06 September 2010 11:12

 Don't take our word for it, here's what Lance Goffinet says from the States;

"My Cremina pulls shots that look and taste the most like the shots from a Idrocompresso, and very similar to the LaMarzocco Linea and GS3. I have had the opportunity to spend some time on these machines at Doma roasting using my favorite Espresso Blend, Doma's Vitos, that I often use at home. This allowed me a fair comparison since I was using the same beans in all the machines."

Not much left to say really

While we readily acknowledge that the initial outlay for a Cremina is expensive, we stand by our claim that it represents tremendous value for money

Unlike almost everything for sale these days you can adjust and repair it.  How quaint.

What would our grandparents think of our throw away world where we fail to see the irony in thinking that driving a hybrid will somehow offset our destructive consumer behaviour?

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