Honduran coffee

by Reiss Gunson on Sunday, 10 October 2010 00:19

We have been playing around with some new Honduran coffee as we are getting low on the Honduran coffee we currently have in stock.  This new coffee, Cocaol, is fair trade  and organic certified if that is important to you.  It has that distinctive nuttiness that most Honduran coffees exhibit, although it has a lot more acidity than the Honduran coffee we currently sell.

We think we've managed to achieve a good compromise with the roast, taking it just dark enough to tame the acidity without killing it's personality and turning it all to soot.  It makes a lovely piccolo, which we make with two 30ml shots of espresso and just 30ml of steamed milk.

You will also enjoy this coffee if you like an espresso with a little more bite, but please be assured that it does not exhibit the extreme acidity that is so prevalent at the moment.

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