
by Reiss Gunson on Tuesday, 28 December 2010 13:34

There is one thing we've learnt to value this far along life's journey, and that is simplicity.  We hope you can see our commitment to simplicity in the coffee equipment that we sell and the advice we provide.

Penn Reels of America used to have as their slogan, 'keep it simple, make it work'.  We have proved time and again the worth of this philosophy, particularly where our customers are at a distance and any failure can be expensive to remedy.  We seek and sell products that perform that have simplicity at the core of their design philosophy.  We do not select products on the basis of the highest margin.  

We are looking for products that will perform for at least 10 years with general care, not pedantic fussing by coffee heads with nothing else to think about.  The coffee equipment we sell needs to be able to cope with the rigours of the busy lives of our customers, and be easy to master.  They need to be built from quality materials.  They will seldom be the cheapest product of their kind, but they will always represent value for money.  How so?  Because they will provide the best coffee of their respective brew method for years, with no more than everyday care and respect.

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