Olympia espresso machine servicing and support

by Reiss Gunson on Monday, 21 February 2011 13:53

We support, service, and provide parts for every Olympia machine.  There are also a number of upgrade parts available.  In particular the new stainless steel top plate for the Cremina which allows cups to be warmed is very useful.  There is also a more elegant drip tray, a new boiler cap with a vacuum breaker valve and a new pressure gauge.  We have little pots of Olympia grease to help you maintain your Olympia.  We also have the service tool for fitting new seals to the pistons without damaging the seals.

With a minimal amount of care and servicing these machines are built to provide you with world class coffee for the rest of your life, and then pass to your children.  Modern companies spend a lot of time telling us about how environmentally aware they are, yet churn out products designed on the premise of planned obsolescence.  The sticker price is less, but are they really 'cheaper'?  We're proud to support companies that pursue sustainable profits with products that last a lifetime.

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