Bosco boiler pressure reduced further

by Reiss Gunson on Wednesday, 27 April 2011 10:15

Our latest 'optimal' settings for the Bosco are;

Boiler pressure: 1.25 bar (indicated)

Dose: 16g

Pre-infusion: 3 seconds

If the machine has been idle the first shots out will be too cold.  You will need to run 2 shots to get up to temp, and these should be discarded.  The third shot will be very good; the fourth shot will be exceptional, every time.  Then the machine will hold equilibrium as the time it takes for you to cycle a shot will prevent it from getting hotter & hotter as the group acts as a heat sink.  This is the machine that makes you a maestro.  This isn't a hit and miss machine.  It makes exceptional espresso accessible to anyone, especially when paired with the precise dose control that an electronic doser-less grinder offers.

Longer pre-infusion times, such as the 8 seconds we use for the Cremina, kill the crema dead.  With 3 seconds pre-infusion the crema is so deep & dense it's all embarrassingly easy to deliver best in class espresso.

If you are a barista pack a bag of your favourite roast that you have thousands of shots experience with and make an obligation free appointment to come and run it through the Bosco.  We don't do pressure selling; we just think you owe it to yourself to see just how much better your espresso is off these so called 'low tech' machines.  Yes they are low tech.  The trouble is they make the best espresso.  As an added bonus they run like clockwork and are extremely easy to fix on the very rare occasion when they may need attention.

Don't believe the high-tech hype.  To paraphrase the old '70s t-shirt slogan; 'Boscos do it better'.

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